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Private Banking Latin America 2014

Организатор:  Terrapinn
Начало: 19.11.2014 11:00
oконч.: 20.11.2014 21:00
Four Seasons Hotel,
Майами, Флорида,
Цена: На сайте мероприятия
Телефон: +1 (646) 619 1811
Эл.почта: freya.smale@terrapinn.com
The 8th annual Private Banking Latin America conference will bring together the region’s key private banks, family offices and wealth advisors to discuss wealth management strategies, business models for success, new technology advances and investment opportunities. 

Detailed summary:

Now in its 8th Year, Private Banking Latin America is without doubt the leading forum for private banks and private wealth managers to come together and explore new strategies and business models for success. 
Join the leading wealth advisors from across LatAm and beyond to network, build relationships and hear from some of the pioneers across wealth management, investing and technology. 
  Join attendees like HSBC Private Bank, BBVA Bancomer, Banco Itau International, UBS, Scotiabank, Bancolombia, Deutsche Bank, Banchile and more.
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