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Brazil Investment Summit

Организатор:  Terrapinn
Начало: 17.04.2013 13:00
oконч.: 18.02.2013 21:00
Avenida Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, 4700 -Jardim Paulista,
São Paulo,
Цена: На сайте мероприятия
Телефон: +1 212 379 6322
Факс: +1 212 379 6319
Эл.почта: Ana.Lloyd@terrapinn.com
The leading event for funds and investors allocating to Brazil 
The 6th annual Brasil Investment Summit will be the premier event for international and domestic fund managers and investors doing business in Brazil. If you are looking for new ideas and contacts that will enhance your company’s investment strategy and operations, then secure your place now!
Please note that fund managers and investors who sign up for 1-2-1 partnering attend for free. To register for 1-2-1 partnering email ana.lloyd@terrapinn.com or call +1 646 619 1771.
10 reasons to attend:
1.       Participate at an event with more funds and investors in attendance than ever due to our new pricing model which allows funds and investors to attend for free
2.       Compare strategies of top hedge funds: SPX Gestão de Recursos (Global Macro), Credit Suisse Hedging Griffo (Equity) and Duna Asset Management (Long Short)
3.       Learn about deals across education, e-commerce and technology with private equity funds like Advent, Gavea, 3i, Victoria Capital and General Atlantic
4.       Hear from new start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs including the CEO of Tivit, the Co-founder of Redpoint e.Ventures and the CEO of Samba Tech
5.       Understand how international investors are fitting Brazil into their allocations with PAAMCO, CERN, Quilvest and University of Richmond
6.       Network with local investors and family offices including Turim, Valia, Petros, Previcoke and BAWM
7.       Keep up to date with the latest developments impacting both funds and investors like FATCA
8.       Make the right contacts! Take advantage of our in-person networking manager who will help you set up 1-2-1 meetings prior to the event
9.       Get inspired by our amazing keynote line up including Luiz Mattar, Royce Gracie and Gary Marshall
10.   Network and dance the night away at the Blues Party
Click here to register!
Click here to download the brochure!  
For more information contact: cristina.valdes@terrapinn.com
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