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Конференции и форумы

America’s Family Office Forum 2014

Организатор:  Terrapinn
Начало: 19.11.2014 11:00
oконч.: 20.11.2014 21:00
Four Seasons Hotel,
Майами, Флорида,
Цена: На сайте мероприятия
Телефон: +1 (646) 619 1811
Эл.почта: freya.smale@terrapinn.com
The 4th annual Americas Family Office Forum, brings together family offices and HNWIs to network, problem solve and exchange ideas on family governance, asset allocation and wealth management best practice.

Detailed summary:

Now in its 4th year, the Americas Family Office Forum has emerged as the event that truly caters for modern day family office needs.
Join the leading family officers and wealth advisors from across North and South America to network, build relationships and hear from some of the pioneers across wealth management, investing and technology.
Reasons to attend:
·        Learn how not to lose a billion dollars from Rockcliffe Partners, a Swiss family office
·        Prepare your family for the sale of a family business with pointers from Harbeck Family Foundation
·        Uncover new technology solutions designed to reduce risk and improve operational efficiency during the tech showcase Stay abreast of the latest asset allocation strategies and financial products
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