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Ct (lux) Responsible Global Emerging Markets Equity Fund A Inc Usd (0P00000BSR)

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27,640 -0,300    -1,07%
03/10 - Закрыт. Цена в USD ( Предупреждение )
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  Люксембург
Эмитент:  BMO (F&C Management Ltd)
ISIN:  LU0153359632 
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 305,82M
F&C Portfolios Fund - BMO Responsible Global Emerg 27,640 -0,300 -1,07%

Обзор 0P00000BSR

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Global Emerging Markets Equity

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Название Заголовок Год До
Claire Franklin - 2023 Сейчас
Gokce Bulut - 2018 Сейчас
Биография Gokce Bulut joined LGM Investments in May 2017 and became the Lead PM. Prior to LGM, Gokce worked for First State Stewart Asia in Hong Kong and First State Stewart (Stewart Investors) in Edinburgh. He started as a generalist with wide research and investment responsibilities across the Asia Pacific Markets, Emerging Markets and Global Equities and progressed to running a successful internal GEM fund. During his time in Edinburgh, Gokce gained a significant amount of experience in responsible investing by being very involved in idea generation across the sustainable strategies. He was appointed as a representative on the Responsible Investment Committee of First State Investment between 2013 and 2017. He received his undergraduate degree from Copenhagen Business School and postgraduate degree in Finance and Investment from University of Durham.
Sam Mahtani Assistant Director 2016 Сейчас
Биография Sam Mahtani joined BMO Global Asset Management (EMEA) in 1993 helping launch the F&C India fund, the third offshore India fund to be available to foreign investors. He became Co-Portfolio Manager (PM) for the Fund in 1994 and lead manager in 1996. He has over 20 years’ investment experience analysing companies and managing money in emerging markets. Sam has research responsibilities for companies in Asia, specialising in India, China, Korea and Latin America. Prior to BMO Global Asset Management (EMEA) Sam worked at the Royal Bank of Scotland Plc for six years as Senior Bank Officer in the corporate trusts division. He is an Associate of the Institute of Financial Services and a member of the CFA Society in the UK. Sam was one of the five emerging markets team members to become part of the LGM team in late 2014.
Rishikesh Patel Portfolio Manager 2018 2023
Биография Rishi holds a post-grad degree in Finance & Mgmt from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai. Before joining LGM in 2006, he worked with ICICI Securities and General Electric. During Rishi's 2 years at ICICI he was an analyst researching IT, Real Estate and Cement sectors. Rishi was at GE for almost 3 years and worked across 5 GE businesses. At LGM he has researched Indian stocks and advised on our Indian mandates. Rishi relocated to London in October 2014 and became Co-PM, then Lead PM for Global Emerging Markets mandates in March and July 2016, respectively.
Jeffrey Chowdhry director and Portfolio Manager 2016 2018
Биография Chowdry is director and portfolio manager for Foreign & Emerging Markets, Ltd., his employer since 1994. He heads the department at Foreign & Colonial that invests in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa. He began his career as an investment analyst in 1982. He joined Royal Insurance PLC in 1985 as a fund manager before joining BZW Investment Management in 1987 as a director in their emerging markets division. He has managed investments in the United States, Europe, Latin America, and Asia.
Rishikesh Patel Portfolio Manager 2016 2016
Биография Rishi holds a post-grad degree in Finance & Mgmt from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai. Before joining LGM in 2006, he worked with ICICI Securities and General Electric. During Rishi's 2 years at ICICI he was an analyst researching IT, Real Estate and Cement sectors. Rishi was at GE for almost 3 years and worked across 5 GE businesses. At LGM he has researched Indian stocks and advised on our Indian mandates. Rishi relocated to London in October 2014 and became Co-PM, then Lead PM for Global Emerging Markets mandates in March and July 2016, respectively.
Irina Hunter Portfolio Manager 2015 2016
Биография Irina began her career in financial services in 1992, from 1994 -1998 worked as VP for The U.S.-Russia Investment Fund, a private equity investment fund in Moscow. After a period working in M&A in Canada and Russia she joined AGF Funds Inc. in 2002, based in Toronto where she was a Global Equity Analyst, and later Associate Portfolio Manager. She supported the award winning AGF Emerging Markets Fund and AGF Global Equity Class. Irina has an MBA from the University of Rochester as well as a Bachelor Degree in Finance and Banking from the Moscow Finance Academy. Irina joined LGM in 2007.
Rasmus Nemmoe Portfolio Manager 2015 2016
Биография Mr. Nemmoe, CFA, was previously with BankInvest in Copenhagen, where he was a portfolio manager for Asia ex Japan equities for four years. Prior to this he was a portfolio manager of the BankInvest Consumer Fund focusing on consumer discretionary and staples equities across both Developed and Emerging Markets. Rasmus spent two years as an analyst focusing on information technology and telecom at Nordic Venture Partners. Rasmus joined LGM Investments in April 2012 and is the lead portfolio manager for our Global Emerging Markets strategy.
Sam Mahtani Assistant Director 2000 2015
Биография Sam Mahtani joined BMO Global Asset Management (EMEA) in 1993 helping launch the F&C India fund, the third offshore India fund to be available to foreign investors. He became Co-Portfolio Manager (PM) for the Fund in 1994 and lead manager in 1996. He has over 20 years’ investment experience analysing companies and managing money in emerging markets. Sam has research responsibilities for companies in Asia, specialising in India, China, Korea and Latin America. Prior to BMO Global Asset Management (EMEA) Sam worked at the Royal Bank of Scotland Plc for six years as Senior Bank Officer in the corporate trusts division. He is an Associate of the Institute of Financial Services and a member of the CFA Society in the UK. Sam was one of the five emerging markets team members to become part of the LGM team in late 2014.
Arnab Banerji CIO 1994 2000
Биография Banerji is chief investment officer with Foreign & Colonial Management Ltd., his employer since August 1993. Prior to joining the company, he worked with several investment firms, including Citibank Global Asset Management, Nomura Securities, and J. Henry Schroder Wagg in London.
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