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Конференции и форумы

TradeTech Liquidity

Организатор:  WBR Ltd
Начало: 24.11.2011 12:00
oконч.: 24.11.2011 20:00
The Tower Guoman Hotel,,
Цена: See website for pricing
Now in its 4th year, TradeTech Liquidity 2011 is designed to give you new ideas, proven strategies and contacts in finding tomorrow's liquidity!

The meeting will bring together 450 senior equity trading professionals. 120 buy side Heads of Trading from major UK & European asset managers and hedge funds have already confirmed their places!

The event will feature over 30 panellists and guest speakers who represent UK’s and Europe’s leading institutional equities trading professionals:

• Kay Swinburne, Member, Committee on Economic & Monetary Affairs, European Parliament
• Vncent Mooijer, Investment Manager, Head of Equities Trading, PGGM
• Rob Boardman, Chief Executive Officer, ITG
• Natan Tiefenbrun, Commercial Director, Turquoise - London Stock Exchange
• Andrew Morgan, European Head of Autobahn Equity, Deutsche Bank
• Mark Hemsley, CEO, BATS
• Steve Grob, Director of Group Strategy, Fidessa

Being able to foresee and prepare for the impact that forthcoming regulation is going to have on your trading desk is a top priority. Hot on the heels of the end of the MiFID consultation period in October, TradeTech Liquidity is perfectly timed to give you the latest insider view. Therefore the agenda will provide you with first-hand regulatory insight. Other topics addressed at the event include interacting with different sources of liquidity, TCA & consolidated tape, the future of big banks, a buy side only panel discussion, and so much more!

We are expecting well over 450 delegates so I highly recommend you reserve your place today in order to avoid disappointment.

Key reasons to attend:

• Be the first to hear about the MiFID II details from the author of the new regulation!
• Benchmark in real-time with your peers and see how they respond to market changes with the interactive voting system
• Get first-hand insight from the CEOs and top Executives of Europe’s Leading execution venues on their strategies for the future.
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