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Trade Tech FX Asia

Организатор:  WBR Ltd
Начало: 28.11.2016 03:00
oконч.: 30.11.2016 03:00
Hilton Singapore,
Singapore City,
Цена: На сайте мероприятия
Телефон: +65 6722 9455
Asia’s Only Buy Side Focused FX Trading Conference
For those buy side eager to adapt to today’s new market order, TradeTech FX Asia offers the perfect opportunity to adopt forward-looking strategies and technologies and build a winning FX trading and portfolio management strategy.
TradeTech FX Asia is the only FX trading conference designed by the buy side for the buy side.
Our Commitment for 2016:
·         40 buy side speakers representing Asia’s top asset managers
·         100+ buy side attendees, 200+ overall audience
·         To deliver a well researched agenda that will enable you to walk away with proven solutions to your biggest FX trading pain points
·         To build a truly interactive agenda - to give you valuable face time with the contacts you want to network with
·         To maintain a high ratio of buy side to solution providers - to maximize your networking experience onsite
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