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Конференции и форумы

Americas Family Office Forum

Организатор:  Terrapinn
Начало: 20.11.2013 12:00
oконч.: 21.11.2013 22:00
18001 Collins Ave Sunny Isles Beach,
Цена: На сайте мероприятия
Телефон: 646.619.1806
Факс: 212.379.6319
Эл.почта: cristina.valdes@terrapinn.com
The leading conference for family offices across the Americas

Americas Family Office Forum brings together the region's family offices and wealth managers to discuss best wealth management strategies.
With a focus on strategy, operations, investment and technology, this is where wealth managers come to review the latest opportunities across wealth management, family operations, investment approaches and technology products.
Who sponsors

Offshore jurisdictions
Investment Banks
Law firms
Fund managers and ETF products
Wealth technology providers
Your clients are continuously looking for innovative, effective ways to improve returns and their wealth management approaches. Get involved today!

Register Now!

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