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North Square Tactical Growth Fund Class I Shares (ETFOX)

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16,30 +0,11    +0,68%
11/10 - Закрыт. Цена в USD ( Предупреждение )
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  США
Эмитент:  Stadion Funds
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 382,81M
Stadion Tactical Growth I 16,30 +0,11 +0,68%


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Chicago,IL 60603
United States
Телефон 1-855-551-5521
Веб-сайт www.northsquareinvest.com


Название Заголовок Год До
Clayton Wilkin Portfolio Manager 2019 Сейчас
Биография Experience Prior to joining C.S. McKee in 2021, Mr. Wilkin worked 9 years at Stadion Money Management, LLC. He began his career as a Portfolio Management Analyst before becoming a Portfolio Manager in 2019. He was the Portfolio Manager on three mutual funds, which totaled about $700 million, before the three mutual funds were acquired by North Square Investments, LLC. in 2021. EDUCATION Mr. Wilkin holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and graduated from the University of Georgia with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree in Finance. PERSONAL Clayton and his wife, Nicole, live in Atlanta with their dog, Kirby. Nicole and Clayton thoroughly enjoy travelling, especially if it is to a beach to relax or a mountain to ski. They both enjoy hanging out with family and friends, taking Kirby on walks, and cheering on the Dawgs on Saturdays in the Fall.
Brad A. Thompson CIO (Chief Investment Officer) 2013 Сейчас
Биография Experience Prior to joining the Sub-Adviser in 2020, Mr. Thompson served as Chief Investment Officer of Stadion Money Management, LLC and had been a Portfolio Manager and an officer of Stadion Money Management, LLC (and its predecessor), serving in a supervisory role for portfolio management operations since 2006 where he also served as head of the Investment Committee and provided oversight to the Best Execution committee Before joining Stadion Mr. Thompson spent 8 years serving as the Chief Investment Officer for Global Capital Advisors, LLC, a hedge fund management firm and SBIC advisor. EDUCATION He has a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Finance from the University of Georgia and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. Mr. Thompson is a member of the CFA Institute and the Bermuda Society of Financial Analysts and holds the Chartered Retirement Plan Specialist Designation. PERSONAL Brad and his wife, Cherie enjoy spending time with their grandchildren. They have two adult children and live in Athens, GA. Outside the office Brad is enjoys working out, playing golf, and taking his dog for a run. Brad has served on the Boards of the American Cancer Society, The NE GA Cancer Foundation, as well as the Terry College of Business Student Investment Fund at the University of Georgia. Brad also likes to volunteer his time coaching youth.
Paul Michael Frank Senior Portfolio Manager 2004 Сейчас
Биография Experience Mr. Frank joined SignalertMoney Management in 1992 as an analyst/trader. He founded Aviemore Asset Management, LLC in 1993 and served as its President, Treasurer, and Chief Compliance Officer until 2013. In 2004 Paul established the ETF Market Opportunity Fund [ETFOX). Stadion Money Mgmt., LLC acquired the ETF Market Opportunity Fund in 2013 and Mr. Frank joined Stadion as a Senior Portfolio Manager and Lead Manager of the Fund, newly named Tactical Growth Fund. C.S. McKee acquired the Stadion Funds in 2021. Paul joined C.S. McKee and remains the lead manager of the North Square Tactical Growth strategy. EDUCATION Mr. Frank has a B.A. in History and Economics from Drew University. He also completed a M.B.A. in Finance from Fordham University's Graduate School of Business Administration in 1992, where he earned the Dean's Award for academic excellence and was named class Valedictorian. Paul has continued his financial education and recently earned a certificate of Investment Solutions from Yale’s School of Management and the EDHEC-Risk Institute. PERSONAL Paul and his wife have one child and live in Northwestern Connecticut. Paul has volunteered with non-profit water quality monitoring organizations and served as the President of the Board of the local non-profit youth Ice Hockey organization. Paul enjoys spending time outdoors with his family and dogs and he especially enjoys building cars and playing golf with his son.
Clayton Shiver Portfolio Manager 2019 2020
Биография Clayton Shiver, CFA. Mr. Shiver serves as a portfolio manager for Stadion Money Management, LLC and has served as an analyst among other duties for Stadion Money Management, LLC (and its predecessor) since 2009. He has a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree in Finance from the University of Georgia and also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Clayton Fresk Portfolio Management Analyst 2017 2019
Биография Clayton is responsible for managing allocations across Stadion’s suite of products. He conducts in-depth model, market, product, and performance analysis and is a key liaison between the department and Sales and Marketing. He is also a regular contributor to etftrends.com and etf.com and was named an "ETF Rockstar" in 2013 by ETF Report. Clayton joined Stadion in 2009, before which he was most recently a Sr. Business Analyst at RiverSource Investments, LLC in Minneapolis, MN. Clayton holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Minnesota. He also received an MBA degree and a Bachelor's degree in Finance & Marketing from the University of Minnesota.
William McGough Portfolio Manager 2013 2019
Биография Will McGough joined Stadion Money Management in 2003. He leads the implementation of model-driven investment decisions and investment/market analysis to fulfill Stadion's investment products’ mandates. Will also helps guide the development of systems and processes critical to achieving scalable growth. A key interface with Stadion's institutional partners, Will is responsible for Stadion's best execution efforts and has played a pivotal role in managing Stadion's operational on-boarding of new products and the Portfolio Management team's launch or integration of them. Will received his BBA in Finance from the University of Georgia and also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation. Will is a member of the CFA Institute, the CFA Society of Atlanta, the American Association of Professional Technical Analysts, National Association of Active Investment Managers, the UGA Alumni Association and National Eagle Scout Association.
Mark Anthony Grimaldi Chief Portfolio Manager 2008 2009
Биография Mark A. Grimaldi, CFS, is a founder, President and part owner of Navigator Money Management, Inc. Mr. Grimaldi also serves as Vice President of Prestige Financial, Inc. He began his career in money management in 1986 as an Investment Coordinator at Meyer Handelman Company in New York. After two years, he joined Prime Financial Services as Director of Operations. In 1992, Mr. Grimaldi accepted a position as Manager, Securities Operations at Marshall & Sterling Consultants in Poughkeepsie, New York. In 1997, he earned the Certified Fund Specialist (CFS) designation. Mr. Grimaldi has held various securities licenses including Series 6, 7, 24, & 63. From March of 1989 through October 2005, Mr. Grimaldi coordinated and taught securities training classes at Dutchess Community College, Poughkeepsie, New York. In 2004, Mr. Grimaldi became Chief Portfolio Manager of the Navigator Newsletters for which he currently writes the lead economic forecast article. Mr. Grimaldi co-managed 80% of the original Navigator Fund from January 1, 2008 through January 30, 2009. Mr. Grimaldi graduated Albany State University in 1985 with a BA degree in Economics.
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