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Westwood Broadmark Tactical Plus Fund F Class Shares (BTPIX)

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11,100 +0,070    +0,63%
05/03 - Данные с задержкой. Цена в USD
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  США
Эмитент:  Salient Funds
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 34,01M
Salient Tactical Plus Fund Class F 11,100 +0,070 +0,63%


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Название Заголовок Год До
P. Adrian Helfert - 2024 Сейчас
Биография Adrian Helfert, Senior Vice President is Chief Investment Officer, Multi-Asset Portfolios at Westwood. Having originally joined Westwood in 2019, Mr. Helfert oversees multiple strategies with portfolio management and leadership responsibilities across the Multi-Asset continuum, including our flagship, Income Opportunity. Throughout his career, Mr. Helfert has developed a strong track record working on collaborative, global teams. Prior Westwood, Mr. Helfert served as Managing Director and Senior Multi-Asset Portfolio Manager at Amundi Smith Breeden in London, where he was responsible for Global Fixed Income strategies. During his 13-year Amundi tenure, he also was an investment team leader on absolute return, unconstrained and total return portfolios across multiple asset classes including equity and fixed income across multiple asset classes including equity and fixed income. Before joining Amundi, Mr. Helfert worked at Royal Bank of Scotland and JPMorgan's Asset Management Group. Mr. Helfert earned his MBA from Duke University and his BA in physics from the University of Virginia, where he was awarded a fellowship for his work in Solid State Physics. He also served in the U.S. Navy / Marine Corps as a Combat Medic.
Richard P. Damico Portfolio Manager 2012 Сейчас
Биография Mr. Richard Damico serves as Senior Portfolio Manager & Head of Trading at Broadmark Asset Management. Damico joined Broadmark in March 2005. As a Senior Portfolio Manager, he participates in the implementation of portfolio management. He brings over 20 years of hands-on trading experience to the firm and, as Head of Trading, is responsible for all trading functions. Prior to joining Broadmark he was a Managing Director at ThinkEquity Partners, LLC where he established and was responsible for the institutional trading desk at their San Francisco headquarters. Prior to ThinkEquity Partners, from 1997 to 2002, he was a Vice President and Senior Institutional Sales Trader at Morgan Stanley's San Francisco office covering West Coast institutional accounts. Additionally, Rick was an Associate Director and Senior Sales Trader at Bear Stearns in San Francisco from 1990 to 1997.
Ricardo L. Cortez - 2012 Сейчас
Биография Ricardo L. Cortez, CIMA® Senior Portfolio Management Specialist and President, Global Distribution Mr. Cortez joined Broadmark in September 2009 as President, Global Distribution and is based in the New York office. He has over 25 years of investment experience in the investment management industry. Most recently, Mr. Cortez spent 8 years as President of the Private Client Group for Torrey Associates, LLC, based in New York City. Prior to that, he was Vice President at Goldman Sachs and Product Manager for the Goldman’s external money manager program, Global Multi-Manager Strategies. Before joining Goldman, Mr. Cortez spent 11 years at Prudential Investments as a Senior Vice President overseeing product development, communications, and sales for the Investment Management Services Division. Mr. Cortez graduated BA cum laude from Queens College of the City University of New York and has been a guest lecturer on Investment Policy and Hedge Funds at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and at Harvard University. He was awarded the Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA) designation in 1993 and is the author of numerous published articles on hedge funds.
J. Dyer Kennedy Portfolio Manager 2012 Сейчас
Биография Mr. Kennedy has served as Portfolio Manager of the Sub-Advisor since September 2022. Mr. Kennedy began his career at Divergence Analysis Inc, a proprietary research firm focused on developing research and models for active portfolio and risk management. Building on the firm’s methodology, he co- 77 founded Montcrest Capital LLC in 2017, a registered investment advisor managing a systematic equity strategy he co-developed for high-net worth and family office clients. Most recently, Mr. Kennedy was Vice President at eVestment, a division of Nasdaq, focusing on business development with hedge funds and other alternative managers. Mr. Kennedy holds a BBA in both Finance and Risk Management from the Terry School of Business at the University of Georgia. He is a charterholder of the CFA and CAIA designations.
Christopher J. Guptill CO-Chief executive officer (CEO) 2012 2023
Биография Mr. Guptill is the Founder and serves as the Co-Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer at Broadmark Asset Management. Mr. Guptill began his career in 1979 at Paine, Webber, Jackson & Curtis. In 1994 Mr. Guptill joined McKinley Capital Management, as a Senior Portfolio Manager. He later became the firm's Chief Equity Strategist. Additionally, Mr. Guptill developed, launched and co-managed the firm's highly successful alternative investment portfolios. Mr. Guptill is a graduate of California State University, Chico with a B.A. in Economics.
William Ben Hunt - 2016 2018
Биография William Ben Hunt, Ph.D is the chief investment strategist at Salient and the author of Epsilon Theory, a newsletter and website that examines markets through the lenses of game theory and history. Dr. Hunt helps develop investment strategy for the firm, works with portfolio managers and key clients to incorporate his investment views into their decision-making process, and manages certain portfolios directly. Dr. Hunt is a featured contributor to a wide range of investment publications and media programming. Dr. Hunt received his Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University in 1991. He taught political science for 10 years at New York University and (with tenure) at Southern Methodist University. Dr. Hunt wrote two academic books: Getting to War (Univ. of Michigan Press, 1997) and Policy and Party Competition (Routledge, 1992), which he co-authored with Michael Laver. Dr. Hunt is the founder of two technology companies and the co-founder of SmartEquip, Inc., a software company for the construction equipment industry that provides intelligent schematics and parts diagrams to facilitate e-commerce in spare parts. Dr. Hunt began his investment career in 2003, first in venture capital and subsequently as a portfolio manager of two long/short equity hedge funds. He worked at Iridian Asset Management from 2006 until 2011 and TIG Advisors from 2012 until 2013. Dr. Hunt joined Salient in 2013, where he combines his background as a portfolio manager, risk manager, and entrepreneur with academic experience in game theory and econometrics to provide a unique perspective on investment risk and reward on behalf of Salient and its clients.
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