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Royce Micro-cap Fund Investment Class (RYOTX)

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12,13 -0,05    -0,41%
18/10 - Закрыт. Цена в USD
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  США
Эмитент:  Royce
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 166,32M
Royce Micro-Cap Invmt 12,13 -0,05 -0,41%


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Small Blend

Итого активов




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Адрес 745 Fifth Avenue
New York,NY 10151
United States
Телефон +1 8002214268
Веб-сайт www.royceinvest.com


Название Заголовок Год До
Andrew S. Palen - 2024 Сейчас
Биография Andrew S. Palen Portfolio Manager Employed by Royce since 2015 Assistant Portfolio Manager for: Royce Pennsylvania Mutual Fund Previously a Senior Analyst at Armistice Capital (2013-2015), a Summer Associate at UBS Global Management (2012), and an Associate at Comvest Partners (2008-2011).
James P. Stoeffel Portfolio manager 2015 Сейчас
Биография James Stoeffel joined Royce in 2009 as a Portfolio Manager. Previously he was a Portfolio Manager for a long/short equity private investment vehicle which he co-founded with Messrs. Brown and Hartman (2008-2009), a Portfolio Manager and Investment Policy Committee member at CRM (2001-2008), Director of Research at Palisade Capital Management (1999-2001), Research Analyst and Vice President in Smith Barney's Emerging Growth Stock Research Group (1993-1999) and an Auditor for a number of companies in the financial services industry (1984-1992).
Brendan Hartman Portfolio Manager, Principal 2013 2024
Биография Brendan J. Hartman is a Portfolio Manager for Royce & Associates, LP, investment advisor to The Royce Funds. Mr. Hartman serves as Portfolio Manager for Royce Micro-Cap Fund and Royce Capital Fund – Micro-Cap Portfolio (both with James Stoeffel as Lead Portfolio Manager). He also serves as Assistant Portfolio Manager for Royce Low-Priced Stock Fund. He has 23 years of investment industry experience. Prior to joining Royce & Associates, he co-founded and managed a hedge fund for Rebus Partners. Prior to that he was employed by Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn, LLC (2001-2008) and served as Co-Manager for the Mid Cap, Smid Cap, 130/30 Fund, and CRM Partners LP funds. Additionally, he was a Senior Analyst, Equity Research with Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (1997-2000). He began his career with Salomon Brothers (1996-1997) as an Equity Research Analyst. Mr. Hartman holds a bachelor’s degree from Lehigh University and a Master of Business Administration from New York University. Royce & Associates, LP, investment adviser to The Royce Funds, is a small-cap equity specialist offering portfolios with distinctive investment approaches to address specific investment goals. The firm has been managing micro-cap, small-cap and small/mid-cap portfolios for more than 40 years.
Robert Kosowsky Associate Portfolio Manager 2018 2018
Биография Rob Kosowsky is associate portfolio manager of the Small Cap strategy. Prior to joining First Eagle in April 2021, Rob was assistant portfolio manager of the Small Cap Opportunistic Value strategy at Royce Investment Partners. Before that he held various analyst roles at Sidoti & Company, OFI Institutional Asset Management, Ballentine Partners and Thomson Financial. Rob earned a bachelor's degree in finance from Boston College and an MBA from Vanderbilt University, and he holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
James Harvey Portfolio Manager, Principal 2015 2016
Биография James J. Harvey, CFA, is a Portfolio Manager and Principal for Royce & Associates, LP, investment adviser to The Royce Funds. He has 26 years of investment industry experience. Mr. Harvey serves as Portfolio Manager for Royce International Discovery Fund and as an Assistant Portfolio Manager for Royce Micro-Cap Trust, the only micro-cap closed-end fund. Mr. Harvey joined Royce & Associates in 1998 as an Analyst. He holds a bachelor’s degree from the State University of New York at Albany and a Master of Business Administration from New York University. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). Royce & Associates, LP, investment adviser to The Royce Funds, is a small-cap equity specialist offering portfolios with distinctive investment approaches to address specific investment goals. The firm has been managing micro-cap, small-cap and small/mid-cap portfolios for more than 40 years.
Chris E. Flynn Portfolio Manager 2015 2016
Биография • Portfolio manager, Employed by Royce since 1993 • Previously Senior Vice President in the Arbitrage Division of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (1989-1992)
Jenifer L. Taylor Analyst 2006 2016
Биография • Employed by Royce since 2000. • Previously Analyst at Credit Lyonnaise Securities (since 1999) and prior to that Analyst for the Special Situations Fund (1994-1999).
W. Whitney George Portfolio Manager 2009 2013
Биография W. Whitney George is Co-Chief Investment Officer, Managing Director and Vice President of Royce. Mr. George has been a Portfolio Manager at Royce since 2000 and has been employed by Royce since 1991.
David A. Nadel Senior Portfolio Manager 2007 2013
Биография David Nadel is a Senior Portfolio Manager for the Global Equities team at Invesco. In this role, he is focused on international small- and mid-company strategies. Mr. Nadel joined Invesco in 2019. Prior to joining the firm, he was a principal at The Royce Funds, where he founded and managed the firm’s international investing practice. During his 13-year tenure there, Mr. Nadel lead-managed an international small/mid-cap growth fund, and sole-managed a global small/mid-cap growth fund. Before joining Royce, he was an Institutional Investor-ranked analyst, and then managed international small/mid-cap strategies for Pequot Capital and Neuberger Berman. Mr. Nadel started his career in 1992 with Lazard Freres' mergers and acquisitions team, and worked in Hong Kong for Value Partners, a prominent hedge fund. Mr. Nadel earned an MBA from the Harvard Business School, an AM from Harvard University, and a BA degree, magna cum laude, from Williams College, where he was elected to the Phi Beta Kappa honor society
Charles M. Royce Lead Portfolio Manager 1991 2001
Биография Royce is the Royce & Associates, LLC's President, Co-Chief Investment Officer and Portfolio Manager. Founded Royce in 1972.
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