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Pictet - Global Environmental Opportunities P Dy Gbp (0P0000PTZR)

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272,330 -3,930    -1,42%
11/03 - Закрыт. Цена в GBP
Вид:  Фонд
Эмитент:  Pictet Asset Management (Europe) SA
ISIN:  LU0503632951 
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 5,97B
Pictet - Global Environmental Opportunities P dy G 272,330 -3,930 -1,42%

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Sector Equity Ecology

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Название Заголовок Год До
Katie Self Investment Manager 2022 Сейчас
Биография Katie Self joined Pictet Asset Management in 2022 as an Investment Manager in the Thematic Equities team, working on the Global Environmental Opportunities strategy. Prior to Pictet, Katie spent several years doing equity research for Morgan Stanley on the industrials sector, with a particular focus on sub sectors such as renewable energy, rail energy efficiency, warehousing and semiconductors. She also spent a year as an R&D scientist with SDC Materials focused on nanotechnology projects around vehicle emissions. Katie has a PhD in Chemistry and a Masters in Material Chemistry, both from the University of St Andrews. She spent a year of her PhD studies at Fudan University in Shanghai.
Yi Du Senior Investment Manager 2018 Сейчас
Биография Yi Du joined Pictet Asset Management in 2018. He is a Senior Investment Manager in the Thematic Equities team. Yi has been co-managing our Global Environmental Opportunities strategy since 2018. He is the lead manager of the China Environmental Opportunities strategy which was launched in 2023. In 2022, Yi was awarded ESG Explorer of the Year in China by Jiemian News. Before joining Pictet, Yi worked in the Global Equity Research team of JP Morgan in Hong Kong since 2015 covering environmental and utilities sectors in Asia. Prior to that, he worked in the Investment Banking team of Barclays in Hong Kong. Yi holds an MSc in Financial Economics with distinction from the University of Oxford. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charterholder and holds the CFA Institute Certificate in ESG Investing.
Gabriel Micheli Senior Investment Manager 2014 Сейчас
Биография Gabriel Micheli joined Pictet Asset Management in 2006 and is a Senior Investment Manager in the Thematic Equities team. He has been co-managing the Global Environmental Opportunities strategy since its inception in 2014. Prior to that Gabriel co-managed the Pictet Timber strategy from 2008 to 2018, where he has kept an advisory role, and was co-manager of the Pictet Clean Energy strategy from 2007 to 2010. Gabriel is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) charter holder. He graduated with a degree in Economics from the University of St. Gallen.
Luciano Diana Senior Investment Manager 2014 Сейчас
Биография Luciano Diana joined Pictet Asset Management in 2009 and is a Senior Investment Manager in the Thematic Equities team. He has been co-managing the Global Environmental Opportunities strategy since its inception in 2014. Prior to that Luciano co-managed the Pictet Clean Energy Strategy from 2009-2016. Before joining Pictet, Luciano spent four years at Morgan Stanley, where he headed the London based clean energy sell-side research team. He began his career in 1998 as an IT strategy consultant at Accenture. Luciano holds a Laurea in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Padua, Italy, and he was a Visiting Scholar at the University of California at Berkeley. He holds an MBA from INSEAD.
Dimitry Karavaikin - 2023 2024
Simon Gottelier Senior Investment Manager 2016 2018
Биография Mr. Simon Gottelier joined Pictet Asset Management SA in 2016. He is a Senior Investment Manager in the Thematics Equity team. Prior to joining PAM, Mr. Gottelier has worked at Impax Asset Management since 2004 and co-manages the Leaders and Water Strategies, as well as selected clients' SRI/ESG products. Mr. Gottelier joined Impax from Veolia (formerly Vivendi) Environment, where he was a Financial Analyst. He began his career in Investment Banking in 1998 at NM Rothschild and subsequently moved to Deutsche Bank where he provided strategic, M&A and financing advice to European and US clients across a broad range of industrial sub-sectors. He has an honours degree in Modern Languages from the University of Bristol.
Alina Donets Portfolio Manager 2014 2016
Биография Alina Donets is a portfolio manager in LOIM’s Global Equities division. Alina joined Lombard Odier Investment Managers (LOIM) in November 2020 and has been managing sustainability portfolios for 7 years. Previously, she worked at Allianz Global Investors as a portfolio manager from 2017 until 2020. She co-manages the AllianzGI Global Water Fund; and, as a member of the Equity Research team, she covers the industrials sector. She was also a portfolio manager in Bank Audi. Prior to this, Alina worked at Pictet AM as an investment manager on thematic funds, Pictet Water from 2013 to 2016 and as a supporting investment manager, Pictet Global Environmental Opportunities from 2014 to 2016. Alina began her career as a graduate trainee at Pictet AM in 2012. She has an M.Sc. with honors in International business from HEC (France) with a B.Sc. with honors in business studies from Cass Business School (London). In addition to passing the CFA examinations, she has been awarded the ESG CFA certificate, the CFA Institute Investment FoundationsTM certificate as well as the IMC certificate (Units I and II).
Hans Peter Portner Head of Thematic Equities and Senior Investment Manager 2014 2016
Биография Hans Peter Portner joined Pictet Asset Management in 1997 and is Head of the Thematic Equities team and a Senior Investment Manager.He began his investment career in 1992 as a Portfolio Manager for international equities with UBS Brinson in Basel, where he managed single country funds and capital preservation funds. In 1997, he joined Pictet Asset Management in Geneva as Senior Investment Manager for international equities. He held the same role in London from 1999 to 2001. Hans Peter holds a Master’s in Economics from the University of Bern, and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).
Philippe Rohner - 2011 2014
Philippe de Weck Chief Investment Officer 2010 2011
Биография Philippe de Weck is the Chief Investment Officer –Equities and a member of the Executive Committee of Pictet Asset Management. Before assuming his current position, he was Chief Investment Officer for Total Return Equities. Previous to this, he was a Senior Investment Manager in the Thematic Equities team where he managed long only equity portfolios and equity long/short capital. Philippe joined Pictet Asset Management as a buy-side analyst in 2004. Philippe is also the chairman of the investment committee of the Alphanatics and PTR-Diversified Alpha funds. Philippe began his career in 1997 at Credit Suisse First Boston in New York and held roles in both New York and London within the Investment Banking division. Philippe holds a BA in Economics and a BA in International Relations from the University of Pennsylvania.
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