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Nationwide International Small Cap Fund Class R6 (NWXUX)

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10,56 +0,08    +0,76%
16/07 - Данные с задержкой. Цена в USD ( Предупреждение )
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  США
Эмитент:  Nationwide
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 597,36M
Nationwide International Sm Cp Instl 10,56 +0,08 +0,76%


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Foreign Small/Mid Blend

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Адрес One Nationwide Plaza
Columbus,OH 43215
United States
Телефон +1 8008480920


Название Заголовок Год До
Jonathan G. White Managing Director and Director, Research Portfolios 2018 Сейчас
Биография Jonathan G. White is Managing Director and Director, Research Portfolios of Wellington Management, and joined the firm in 1999. In his role, he is responsible for broad oversight of the firm’s suite of diversified and sector analyst-managed investment approaches, including risk management and implementation, and acts as a representative for these products with clients and prospects. He also manages our customized research approaches, including Global Islamic Research Equity and Global Research Equity High Dividend Yield, and is a member of the Global Perspectives investment team. Prior to his current position, Jon was manager of equity portfolio coordination for the firm. Before joining Wellington Management in 1999, he spent several years at Putnam Investments, serving as portfolio coordinator for the Emerging Markets Equity Department, manager for Pricing Operations, and supervisor, senior fund accountant, and fund accountant for Mutual Fund Accounting Operations (1994 – 1999). Jon received his MBA, magna cum laude, from Babson College (Olin, 2002) and his BBA in finance, cum laude, from the University of Massachusetts (1994). Additionally, he holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Mary L. Pryshlak Senior Managing Director 2018 Сейчас
Биография Mary L. Pryshlak, CFA, Senior Managing Director, Partner and Head of Investment Research of Wellington Management. Ms. Pryshlak is the head of Investment Research, an investment group comprised of Wellington Management's core fundamental investment research teams spanning equity; credit; macro; technical; sustainable; and environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG). Ms. Pryshlak supervises a team of global industry analysts that manage the equity portion of the Global Atlantic Wellington Research Managed Risk Portfolio and has served in this capacity for the Portfolio since 2018. Ms. Pryshlak joined Wellington Management as an investment professional in 2004.
Mark D. Mandel Senior Vice President 2016 2019
Биография Mark is the director of Global Industry Research, an investment group comprising senior equity analysts and the various functions that support bottom-up research, stock picking, and investment across global capital markets. In this role, he focuses on ensuring that we attract, retain, and motivate world-class securities analysts and investment talent; provide them with the resources, support, and ongoing feedback needed to excel; and undertake our work with a fiduciary mindset and a collaborative spirit in order to make informed investment decisions on behalf of our clients. Mark leads a management team responsible for more than 100 professionals who formally follow over 4,500 stocks and directly manage over US$100 billion of client assets. He also chairs the firm’s Compensation Committee and is a member of the Incentive Compensation Committee, Hedge Fund Review Group, and Research Equity Review Group (ERG2). Mark was named to his current role in 2002 after eight years as a global industry analyst covering non-bank financial services. Before joining Wellington Management in 1994, he worked in the corporate finance group at Advest, Inc., a Hartford-based brokerage firm. He earned his MBA from Dartmouth College (Tuck), where he was named an Amos Tuck scholar. He received his BA in economics from Bates College. Additionally, he holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the CFA Institute.
Cheryl M. Duckworth Portfolio Manager 2016 2018
Биография Cheryl is the associate director of Global Industry Research, an investment group comprising senior fundamental research analysts and the various functions that support bottom-up analyses, stock picking, and investment across a universe of publicly traded equity securities. In this capacity, she helps lead a management team responsible for nearly 100 professionals who track more than 4,500 stocks and directly manage more than $100 billion of client assets. She also oversees the firm’s suite of diversified and sector analyst-managed investment approaches and acts as a representative for these products with clients and prospects. In 2013, Cheryl moved to Asia to oversee the firm’s equity investment resources across the region. In addition, she oversees the operation of the Singapore office in her capacity as head of Wellington Management Singapore Pte Ltd, the Singapore-based affiliate of Wellington Management Company LLP. Prior to joining Global Industry Research in 2003, Cheryl was the director of International/Global Equity Product Management, working with investment groups to design and develop international and global equity products. Before joining Wellington Management in 1994, she gained experience in the investment industry at Massachusetts Financial Services (1988 – 1992). Cheryl received her MS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Sloan, 1994) and her BA in economics and art history, cum laude, from Duke University (1988). Additionally, she holds the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the CFA Institute.
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