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Lvip Franklin Templeton Multi-factor International Equity Fund Standard Class (0P0000CV37)

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8,850 +0,020    +0,23%
18/10 - Закрыт. Цена в USD
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  США
Эмитент:  Lincoln National
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 681,71M
LVIP SSgA Developed International 150 Fund Standar 8,850 +0,020 +0,23%

Обзор 0P0000CV37

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Foreign Large Value

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Fort Wayne,IN 46801
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Название Заголовок Год До
Chandrakanth Seethamraju - 2023 Сейчас
Биография Chandra Seethamraju is the director of quantitative strategies at Franklin Systematic, the quantitative hub of Franklin Templeton Multi-Asset Solutions. His research focuses on empirical research to support the different investment strategies that the group offers. He is also responsible for developing the models and the methodology behind Franklin Templeton's Smart Beta ETF's. Prior to joining Franklin Templeton Investments in 2013, Dr. Seethamraju was a vice president and senior research analyst at Mellon Capital Management in San Francisco.
Sundaram Chettiappan - 2023 Сейчас
Биография Sundaram Chettiappan is a vice president and senior research analyst for Franklin Systematic, the quantitative hub of Franklin Templeton Multi-Asset Solutions. He is focused on factor based strategies in Quantitative Equities. Prior to joining Franklin Templeton Investments in 2018 Mr.Chettiappan worked at Balyasny Asset Management where he was a Senior Quantitative Researcher building deep fundamental sector based long short models within the Systematic Strategies group.
Joseph Giroux Portfolio Manager 2023 2023
Биография Joseph Giroux is a Portfolio Manager at O’Shaughnessy Asset Management (OSAM). Prior to joining OSAM, Joe was a Global Equity Portfolio Manager at Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions, and predecessor firms Batterymarch/QS Investors over the past 11 years, where he was the lead Portfolio Manager on multiple funds, including the Franklin Global Equity Fund, Franklin Global Systematic Fund, Franklin Global Dividend Fund, Franklin Global Responsible Fund, and Franklin Global Market Neutral fund, achieving Morningstar Ratings of 4 and 5 Stars, and winning 12 Lipper Awards. Joe has over 30 years
Juan Acevedo Vice President 2018 2023
Биография Juan Acevedo is a Vice President of SSGA and a Senior Portfolio Manager in the Global Equity Beta Solutions Group. He is responsible for managing equity index, smart beta and tax-efficient quantitative strategies for institutional clients and high net worth individuals. Prior to his current role, Mr. Acevedo was a portfolio manager in SSGA’s Implementation Group, where he was responsible for the daily management of active and passive strategies, with an additional focus of mass construction of separate managed accounts. Mr. Acevedo received a Bachelor of Arts in International Business from Providence College. Additionally, he received a Master of Science in Investment Management and a Master of Business Administration with a Finance concentration from the Questrom School of Business at Boston University.
Dwayne Hancock Vice President 2017 2023
Биография Dwayne is a Vice President of State Street Global Advisors and a Senior Portfolio Manager in the firm's Global Equity Beta Solutions (GEBS) team. Within this group, he is currently the strategy leader for their non-US passive products. Prior to taking on this responsibility, Dwayne was the ETF product specialist for the GEBS group. He is also a member of the SSGA Valuation Committee. Dwayne currently manages a varied mix of funds spanning both regions, US, developed and emerging and fund structures which include separate accounts, commingled funds, mutual funds and ETFs. Additionally, he has played a primary role in determining trading strategies for significant benchmark changes such as the annual Russell reconstitution. Dwayne joined SSGA in 1996 and became part of the GEBS portfolio management team in 1998. Prior to this, he worked in the firm's Passive International Equity Operations department as a Senior Analyst. He has been working in the investment management field since 1994. Dwayne holds an MBA from Boston College and a BS in Business Administration from Framingham State College. He also earned the Chartered Financial Analyst Designation and is a member of the Boston Security Analysts Society.
Keith Richardson - 2017 2023
Биография Keith is a Vice President at State Street Global Advisors and a Senior Portfolio Manager in the Global Equity Beta Solutions (GEBS) team. He currently manages a variety of passive US and international equity funds including an assortment of ETFs, sub-advised mutual funds, and separately managed portfolios.In addition, Keith writes a Real Estate Market Commentary for the firm each quarter. Prior to his current role, Keith spent 9 years as a Portfolio Manager in the Direct Implementation group where he managed both US active quantitative strategies and passive global REITs.
Michael J. Feehily Senior Managing Director 2015 2023
Биография Mr. Feehily, CFA, is a Managing Director of SSGA and the Adviser and Co-Head of Passive Equity Strategies in North America in the Global Equity Beta Solutions Group. In this capacity, Mr. Feehily has oversight of the North American Passive Equity teams in Boston and Montreal. In addition, Mr. Feehily is a member of the Senior Management Group. Mr. Feehily rejoined SSgA in 2010 after spending the previous four years at State Street Global Markets LLC where he helped to build the Exposure Solutions business.
John A. Tucker Head 2008 2017
Биография John Tucker, CFA, is a Senior Managing Director of SSGA and the Adviser and Co-Head of Passive Equity Strategies in North America in GEBS. He joined the firm in 1988 and is responsible for overseeing the management of all passive equity index strategies and Exchange Traded Funds managed in North America. He is a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Previously, Mr. Tucker was head of the Structured Products Group in SSGA's London office where he was responsible for the management of all index strategies in SSGA's second largest investment center. Mr. Tucker received a BA in Economics from Trinity College and an MS in Finance from Boston College. Mr. Tucker has also earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the Boston Security Analysts Society and the CFA Institute. In addition, Mr. Tucker is a member of the Russell Index Client Advisory Board and on the S&P U.S. Index Advisory Panel.
Lynn Blake Managing Director 2008 2015
Биография Lynn Blake, CFA, is an Executive Vice President of SSGA and the Adviser and Chief Investment Officer of the Global Equity Beta Solutions Group (“GEBS”). In addition, Ms. Blake is member of SSGA's Fiduciary Committee, Investment Committee, IT Steering Committee and Executive Management Group. She also oversees SSGA's Corporate Governance and Global Proxy Voting as well as the Company Stock Group, which manages fiduciary transactions and company stock investments, including company stock ownership and 401(k) plans. Ms. Blake joined SSGA in 1987. Prior to her current role, Ms. Blake was head of non-US markets of passive equities, responsible for overseeing the management of all non-US equity index strategies, as well as serving as portfolio manager for several equity index portfolios. She holds a BS from the Boston College Carroll School of Management and an MBA in Finance from Northeastern University. She has also earned the Chartered Financial Analyst designation and is a member of the Boston Security Analysts Society, the CFA Institute and the Boston Security Analyst Society. She also serves on various index advisory boards and committees.
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