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Naa World Equity Income Fund Class A (SEQAX)

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16,32 +0,27    +1,68%
14/03 - Закрыт. Цена в USD
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  США
Эмитент:  Guggenheim Investments
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 41,92M
Guggenheim World Equity Income A 16,32 +0,27 +1,68%


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Название Заголовок Год До
Gennadiy Khayutin Portfolio Manager 2025 Сейчас
Биография Gennadiy Khayutin is responsible for the development of portfolio strategy of the Funds. He has served as a Portfolio Manager of the Funds since June 30, 2013. Mr. Khayutin is a Senior Portfolio Manager of the Transparent Value Advisors, LLC (Sub-Adviser) and Managing Director of Guggenheim Partners Investment Management, LLC (Adviser). Prior to joining the Adviser and Sub-Adviser in May 2005, Mr. Khayutin was with Goldman Sachs & Co.’s Healthcare Group where he was responsible for structured debt products for a variety of healthcare and higher educational clients. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance and Information Systems from New York University.
Julian Koski Founder 2024 Сейчас
Биография Julian Koski is the Co-Founder and CIO of New Age Alpha LLC and is the co-developer of the h-factor methodology. He also directs the firm’s business development, marketing, and distribution activities. Before founding New Age Alpha LLC in 2018, he was the Co-Chief Executive Officer of Transparent Value, LLC and Transparent Value Advisors, LLC from 2003 to 2015. He attended the University of Witwatersrand and the University of South Africa.
Armen Arus co-developer 2024 Сейчас
Биография Armen Arus is the Co-Founder and CEO of New Age Alpha LLC. Before founding New Age Alpha LLC in 2018, he was the Co-Founder and Co-Chief Executive Officer of Transparent Value, LLC and Transparent Value Advisors, LLC from June 2003 to July 2017. Mr. Arus served as President of Transparent Value Trust from 2010 to 2015. Mr. Arus holds a B.S. in Business from New York University.
Burak Hurmeydan Director 2024 Сейчас
Биография Burak Hurmeydan, Ph.D., is a Managing Director and Head of Quantitative Strategies for the Adviser. Before joining New Age Alpha in 2024 he was a Portfolio Manager at Guggenheim Partners, joining in 2011. Before Guggenheim, he was a Quantitative Risk/Research Analyst with Citadel Asset Management, joining in 2008. He earned his B.S. in Economics from Eastern Mediterranean University and an M.S. degree in Economics from Louisiana State University. Dr. Hurmeydan earned a Ph.D. in Economics with a specialization in Financial Econometrics from Louisiana State University.
Konstantin Tourevski Portfolio Manager 2024 Сейчас
Биография Konstantin Tourevski a Senior Portfolio Manager of the Adviser and has been in that role since 2019. From 2003 to 2019, Mr. Tourevski served various senior investment roles at Loews Corporation. Prior to that, Mr. Tourevski was an investment analyst at JP Morgan Asset Management. Mr. Tourevski holds a BA in Economics from New York University and an MBA from Columbia Business School; he is also a CFA Charterholder.
Hugo Chang Portfolio Manager 2024 Сейчас
Биография Hugo Chang is a Senior Managing Director of New Age Alpha in charge of Index Development. Before New Age Alpha, he held similar responsibilities at Invesco Indexing and as Vice President for Guggenheim Partners. Mr. Chang has also served as Senior Research Analyst for S&P Dow Jones Indices and was instrumental in custom index research and analytics. Mr. Chang has a master’s degree in Financial Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and is a CFA Charterholder and Financial Risk Manager.
Douglas Makin Director 2020 2024
Биография Director and Portfolio Manager of Guggenheim Partners, has co-managed Series D since July 2020. Mr. Makin joined Guggenheim Partners in 2011 and has over 20 years’ experience in the financial markets across a variety of fields including portfolio management, risk and performance management, product development and trade execution. He currently oversees strategy implementation, working with co-portfolio managers, research analysts and traders to manage day-to-day risk. Prior to joining Guggenheim Partners, he has worked as a Senior Equity Analyst at ABN-AMRO in New York where he covered and published research on global telecom companies. Mr. Makin holds a BA in European History from the University of Colorado.
Evan Einstein Director and Portfolio manager 2017 2024
Биография Evan Einstein, Director and Portfolio Manager of Security Investors. Mr. Einstein joined Guggenheim in 2010 as a valued member of the Global Alpha Equity team. He is responsible for portfolio optimization and development as well as maintaining the systems. He has previously worked for Oppenheimer Institutional’s small-cap value portfolio management desk as well as for State Street Global Advisors global equity trading analytics. Prior to this, Mr. Einstein was CTO and founding partner at Elkweb Information Systems, an internet technology and information firm. He has received his B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from Syracuse University and an MBA from Babson College.
Farhan Sharaff Assistant CIO, Equities 2013 2024
Биография Farhan Sharaff has served as a Portfolio Manager for each Fund since 2017. He is Assistant Chief Investment Officer, Equities, Senior Managing Director and Portfolio Manager of Guggenheim Partners. Mr. Sharaff joined Guggenheim Partners in May 2009. Mr. Sharaff has more than 30 years of experience in investment research and investment management. Prior to joining Guggenheim Partners, he was a Partner and Chief Investment Officer at MJX Capital Advisors, a wealth management firm focused on providing advice and investment management for its clients, especially in the traditional and alternative asset classes and Guggenheim Investments plc. Prior to that, Mr. Sharaff served as the global Chief Investment Officer at CIGNA Corporation, Zurich Scudder Investments and Citigroup. In all of the above engagements, Mr. Sharaff was responsible for research, investment management, product development and investment risk management. He was also a member of the business management teams at Citigroup and Zurich Scudder. Mr. Sharaff has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Aston (U.K.) and an MBA in Finance from the Manchester Business School (U.K.). In addition, Mr. Sharaff sits on boards of CITIC Capital Asset Management, Clarfeld Financial Advisors, and Guggenheim Global Investment plc.
Jayson B. Flowers Senior Managing Director 2017 2020
Биография Jayson B. Flowers joined Guggenheim Partners in 1998 and serves as the Head of Guggenheim’s Equity and Derivative Strategies where he manages the portfolios, risk, and trading across the Equity, Derivatives, Managed Futures, and Commodity Strategies. His investment experience ranges in expertise from Managing Portfolios and Risk on Structured Product Investments, Global Equity Arbitrage, Alternatives, and Asset Backed Strategies, to Trading U.S. Government Agencies, Foreign Sovereign Debt, Commodities, Managed Futures, Currencies, and Derivatives. Prior to Guggenheim, Mr. Flowers was a founding partner of Adventure Capital, a Venture Capital and Merchant Banking company. Previously Mr. Flowers was at Credit Suisse First Boston, Dominick & Dominick Inc., and Coopers & Lybrand. Mr. Flowers holds a B.A. in Economics from Union College.
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