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Ast Quantitative Modeling Portfolio (0P0000SOJG)

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25,950 -0,240    -0,92%
17/07 - Данные с задержкой. Цена в USD ( Предупреждение )
Вид:  Фонд
Рынок:  США
Эмитент:  Advanced Series Trust
Класс активов:  Акции
  • Рейтинг Morningstar:
  • Итого активов: 860,76M
AST Quantitative Modeling Portfolio 25,950 -0,240 -0,92%

Обзор 0P0000SOJG

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Allocation--70% to 85% Equity

Итого активов




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Адрес 100 Mulberry Street,Gateway Center Three, 4th Floor
Newark,NJ 07102
United States
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Веб-сайт www.prudential.com


Название Заголовок Год До
George N. Patterson Co-Head of Quantitative Equity 2023 Сейчас
Биография George N. Patterson, PhD, CFA, CFP, is a Managing Director and Co-Head of QMA’s Quantitative Equity team. In this capacity, he oversees portfolio management, investment research and new product development for the US, Non-US and Value equity strategies.
Marco Aiolfi Portfolio Manager 2022 Сейчас
Биография Marco Aiolfi, PhD is a Managing Director and Head of PGIM Quantitative Solutions' Multi-Asset team. In this capacity, he spearheads the group's strategic initiatives and is responsible for portfolio management and product development of the multi- asset platform. Prior to his current role, Marco was the Head of Systematic Multi-Asset Strategies, overseeing research, development and portfolio management of systematic total and absolute return investment solutions. Before joining PGIM Quantitative Solutions, Marco was a Lead Portfolio Manager and Researcher for GTAA and volatility strategies for the Quantitative Investment Strategies team at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, and a Principal at Platinum Grove Asset Management. Previously, Marco was a research scholar at the University of California, San Diego, and a visiting scholar at the International Monetary Fund. Marco's articles have appeared in several journals including the Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Financial Econometrics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Investment Management and the Journal of Portfolio Management. He earned a BA in economics and a PhD in economics from Bocconi University in Italy.
Anar Patel - 2021 Сейчас
Биография Anar Patel is a Director, Portfolio Manager on the Strategic Investment Research Group’s (SIRG) Portfolio Construction team where she is responsible for the discretionary management of multi-asset investment solutions. Ms. Patel joined PGIM Investments and SIRG in June 2014. Before starting her current role, Ms. Patel worked with SIRG as both an Investment Manager Research Analyst and Trading and Operations Associate. Prior to joining SIRG, she spent a year as part of PGIM’s Plan Accounting Investment Operations team. Ms. Patel graduated cum laude from Temple University with a B.B.A. in Finance and International Business. She is currently an MBA candidate at Columbia Business School.
Todd L. Kerin - 2020 Сейчас
Биография Todd L. Kerin is a Vice President and member of the Strategic Investment Research Group's (SIRG) Portfolio Construction team. He focuses on the discretionary management of multi-manager investment solutions including risk budgeting and manager allocation within both traditional and alternative asset classes. Mr. Kerin joined PGIM Investments and SIRG in October 2006 as an investment manager research analyst. Prior to joining SIRG, he spent 12 years with Standard and Poor’s working in various capacities. Most recently, he worked as a senior fixed income mutual fund analyst in S&P’s Credit Market Services Group. Mr. Kerin received his M.B.A. in Finance from Saint Thomas Aquinas College and a B.A. in English Literature from Western New England University.
Rory Cummings Portfolio Manager 2014 Сейчас
Биография Rory Cummings, CFA, is a Vice President and Portfolio Manager for QMA working within the Global Multi-Asset Solutions team. In this capacity, he is responsible for portfolio management, analysis, and economic and market valuation research. Prior to his current role, Rory served as a Client Relations Specialist covering a variety of institutional clients. He earned a BA in finance from Seton Hall University and an MBA in financial markets and corporate finance from the New York University Stern School of Business.
Andrei O. Marinich Senior Research Analyst 2011 Сейчас
Биография Andrei Marinich, Portfolio Manager, serves as Head of Portfolio Construction for PGIM Investments' Strategic Investment Research Group (SIRG). This team is responsible for the discretionary management and risk oversight of multi-manager investment solutions. Solutions include multi-manager single asset class, liquid alternative, multi-asset target risk and outcome-oriented allocation portfolios. Prior to joining Prudential in 2000, Andrei worked for PaineWebber, Inc. (UBS) and its subsidiaries as an investment manager research analyst and prior as a senior portfolio analyst at Mitchell Hutchins Asset Management. Andrei began his investment career with Merrill Lynch in 1991. A member of the CFA Society New York and the CFA Institute, Andrei is a graduate of Rutgers University with a degree in Economics and holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and the Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA) designation from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the Investments & Wealth Institute.
Brian Ahrens Senior Vice President 2011 Сейчас
Биография Brian Ahrens is a portfolio manager for the Portfolio and Senior Vice President and Head of the Strategic Investment Research Group of Prudential Investments. He focuses on portfolio risk oversight, manager fulfillment, and the allocation of assets among managers. Mr. Ahrens oversees a staff of 17 investment professionals who focus on investment consulting, portfolio construction, and risk oversight activities. Mr. Ahrens has been with Prudential for over 15 years. Mr. Ahrens earned his MBA in Finance from the Stern School of Business at New York University. He graduated from James Madison University with a double major in Finance and German. He is series 7, series 24 and series 63 certified, and CIMA certified.
Edward L. Campbell Portfolio Manager 2011 2023
Биография Edward L. Campbell, CFA, is a Managing Director and Portfolio Manager for PGIM Quantitative Solutions working within the Global Multi-Asset Solutions team. As the Director of Dynamic Asset Allocation, he is responsible for portfolio management, analysis, and economic and market valuation research, and he oversees a team of investment professionals. Ed also represents the firm through appearances in major media outlets, most notably as a regular guest on CNBC’s Squawk Box. Prior to joining PGIM Quantitative Solutions, Ed served as a Portfolio Manager and Senior Analyst for PGIM Investments’ Strategic Investment Research Group (SIRG). Previously, Ed was a Partner and Vice President at Trilogy Advisors. He earned a BS in economics and international business from The City University of New York and an MBA in finance, global business and organizational leadership from the New York University Stern School of Business.
Edward F. Keon Managing Director 2011 2022
Биография Edward F. Keon, Jr. is a Managing Director and Chief Investment Strategist for QMA’s Global Multi-Asset Solutions team. In this capacity, he is responsible for portfolio management, analysis, and economic and market valuation research. He also represents the firm through appearances in major media outlets, most notably as a regular guest on CNBC’s Squawk Box. Prior to joining QMA, Ed served as Chief Investment Strategist and Director of Quantitative Research at Prudential Equity Group, LLC, where he was repeatedly voted onto Institutional Investor’s All-American Research Team, and as a Senior Vice President at I/B/E/S International Inc. Ed is a board member of the Chicago Quantitative Alliance, where he heads the committee to develop sound practices in quantitative investment management. He earned a BS in industrial management from the University of Massachusetts Lowell and an MBA in finance and marketing from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management.
Marcus M. Perl Principal 2011 2022
Биография Marcus M. Perl is a Principal and Portfolio Manager for QMA and a member of the asset allocation team. In addition to portfolio management, Marcus is responsible for research, strategic asset allocation and portfolio construction. Marcus was a Vice President and Portfolio Manager at Prudential Investments; earlier, he was a Vice President at FX Concepts Inc. Marcus holds an MA in Economics from the University of Southern California.
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