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FIMA 2017 US

Организатор:  WBR Ltd
Начало: 08.05.2017 03:00
oконч.: 10.05.2017 03:00
The Westin Copley Place Boston, MA,
Цена: Visit Site
Телефон: 1.888.482.6012
Эл.почта: fima@wbresearch.com

Financial Information Management (FIMA), now in its 13th year, is the leading reference data manage event in the United States. This year’s event will host more than 400 guests from over 124 companies with 3 days of content and 12+ hours of networking.

Each year, FIMA hosts sessions and discussions lead by top reference data management professionals, all covering topics that are of fundamental importance to your enterprise-wide data management initiatives.

Download our agenda today to see what we have planned for the event! Plus, as a valued reader of Investing.com, you’ll receive an extra 20% off your ticket price!

Register by clicking on the title of the event with code: FIMA17INVEST
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