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Центральный банк Боснии и Герцеговины


The Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina was established in accordance with the Law adopted at the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina on 20 June 1997. The Central Bank started its operation on 11 August 1997. The main goals and tasks of the Central Bank are defined by the Law and in accordance with the General Peace Agreement in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina maintains monetary stability by issuing domestic currency according to the Currency Board arrangement with full coverage in freely convertible foreign exchange funds under fixed exchange rate 1 KM: 0,51129 EURO. Central Bank defines and controls the implementation of monetary policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Central Bank supports and maintains appropriate payment and settlement systems. It also co-ordinates the activities of the BH Entity Banking Agencies which are in charge of bank licensing and supervision.

Председатель: Kemal Kozarić

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