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Конференции и форумы

9th Energy Trading Operations & Technology Summit – ETOT

Организатор:  IRN International
Начало: 07.11.2017 11:30
oконч.: 09.11.2017 19:00
Millennium Gloucester Hotel, Kensington.,
Цена: На сайте мероприятия
Телефон: +44 207 111 1615
Эл.почта: DimitraT@irn-international.com
ETOT London

For the 9th time, ETOT will be the only recognised platform for energy back office and IT professionals to conquer their challenges, share their successes and to generally come together as one industry group. 

Taking place on 7-9 November in London, the 9th Energy Trading Operations & Technology Summit – ETOT remains the place to meet key energy players and discuss best practices and ways of overcoming – as an industry –  the most pressing challenges around operational and technology issues.
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